Dizajn / Design: Slobodan Mašić (1939-2016)
Ove godine BITEF će se odvijati pod opštom temom – Nove pozorišne tendencije. Posle tri BITEFA koja su bila posvećena specijalnim temama, ponovo je došlo vreme da se publici BITEFA pruži šira panorama novih kretanja u pozorištu sveta, koja su toliko raznolika, da se ne mogu silom potčinjavati bilo kakvim formulama. To novo koje se rađa svakim danom u teatrima širom sveta, dešava se i u tako drevnim pozorišnim kućama Evrope kao što je Burgtheater i po nacionalnim ansamblima Afrike koji svoju umetnost baziraju na drevnim ritualima, a i po novim trupama koje se rađaju sa svakom novom sezonom, bljesnu, krenu dalje ili umru tako brzo kao što su se pojavila.
Ove godine program se odvija u dva toka: na velikim scenama Beograda BITEF prikazuje dramske ansamble koji novo traže bazirajući se na svojim dubljim tradicijama, na tradiciji Burgtheatera, Teatrui Nationat iz Bukurešta, Vigszinhaza, Schillertheatra, Citizens Theatra iz Glazgova ili na francuskoj tradiciji Companie du Cothurne iz Liona. U okviru projekta 73. BITEF upoznaje svoju publiku sa najnovijim traženjima avangardnih trupa sveta koja su u svojim sredinama izazvala izuzetnu pažnju, a često već imala odjek izvan granica svoje zemlje. Posebni značaj BITEF je ove godine posvetio stvaralaštvu Miroslava Krleže. Srećna je okolnost da je u povodu njegovog jubileja njegovo delo ,,Golgota“ pružilo priliku jugoslavenskom reditelju Bogdanu Jerkoviću da pronađe novi izraz koji je na liniji najboljih tendencija na BITEFU.
I pored toga što je tokom sedam godina postojanja prikazano preko stotinu predstava, BITEF i dalje nastoji da prikaže predstave iz zemalja koje do sada nisu bile zastupljene na BITEFU. Tako ove godine prvi put dolaze trupe iz susedne Austrije, iz Kanade, zatim predstavnici dve neangažovane zemlje kao što su Nigerija i Senegal. U želji da proširi svoju publiku izvan kruga pozorišnih stručnjaka, kao i ranijih sezona, pored suradnje sa televizijom, BITEF traži nove prostore, kao što su fabrička hala, Velika dvorana Doma sindikata, radnički univerziteti, Studentski centar, mesta gde stiče ne samo veću nego i novu publiku.
Isto tako BITEF se morao opredeliti da dovede u Beograd predstavu ,,Kuća moga oca“ Odin Teatra, jednog od najznačajnijih novatora evropske scene koja se po zamisli reditelja Eugenia Barbe prikazuje za mali broj gledalaca, kao ona vrsta umetnosti koja je danas za ograničeni broj gledalaca, a koja će možda već sutra biti umetnost masovne publike.
BITEF će i ove godine okupiti svoju publiku na susrete sa stvaraocima i prikazati u Ateljeu 212 nekoliko izložbi likovnog stvaralaštva novih tendencija.
Ove godine žiri će sačinjavati pozorišni kritičari kako iz naše tako i iz stranih zemalja koji budu pratili celokupni program 7. BITEFA. Prvi put publika BITEFA će putem ankete dodeliti zvaničnu nagradu BITEFA najboljem ansamblu.
Mira Trailović i Jovan Ćirilov
This year BITEF will run on the general theme of new theatre tendencies. After three BITEFS dedicated to special themes, the time has again come to offer the BITEF public a wide panorama of new trends in the theatres of the world which vary so much that they cannot be forcibely subjected to any kind of formula. These new phenomena which are born daily in theatres throughout the world also take place in the ancient theatre houses of Europe such as the Burgtheater as well as the national ensembles of Africa which base their art on ancient rituals, and in the new troupes born every season, which shine and either live on or die out as fast as they appeared.
This year the programme will have two forms: on the large stages of belgrade BITEF will present the dramatic ensembles who seek new forms, basing their search on their own deeper traditions, in the tradition of the Burgtheater, The Teatral National of Bucharest, The Vigszinhaz, The Schillert Theater the Citizens’ Theatre of Glasgow, or the french tradition of the Companie du Cothurne of Lyons. Within its project BITEF 73 will acqaint its public with the latest searches of the avantgarde troupes throughout the world who, in their own surroundings have aroused exceptional attention, and often have gained fame, beyond the frontiers of their own countries. BITEF has given special attention this year to the work of
Miroslav Krleža. It is a happy coincidence that on the occasion of his anniversary „Golgota”, offered to one Yugoslav director Bogdan Jerković, a chance of seeking a new expression, which is in line with the best tendencies of BITEF.
During the seven years of existence, over a hundred performences have been given, and BITEF continues to present plays from countries which have not yet been represented by it. Thus, this year, for the first time, troupes from neighbouring Austria will give performances, as well as those from Canada, as also will representatives of two non-aligned countries: Nigeria and Senegal.
In the desire to enlarge its public beyond the theatrical experts, as was the case in previous seasons, in addition to cooperation with the television, BITEF seeks new audiences, such as in the factory halls, the Grand Trade Union Hall, the labour universities, and the student centres: places where it acquires not merely a large public but a new public also.
BITEF has decided to bring to Belgrade the performance of the „ My Father’s House” presented by the Odin Theatre, one of the most important inovators on the European stage which in the conception of the director Eugene Barba, shall be shown to a limited audience, being the kind of art which today should be presented to a small number of people, but which tomorrow may be the art for the mass public.
BITEF will this year again rally its public to Meetings with the creators and will show at the Atelje 212 chamber theatre a few examples of the new artist tendencies at appropriate exhibitions.
This year the jury will comprise theatre critics both from Yugoslavia and abroad, who will follow the entire programme of the 7th BITEF. For the first time the BITEF public will, by poll, vote officiai BITEF awards to the best ensemble.
Mira Trailović and Jovan Ćirilov
Glavni program / Main Programme
097 Burgtheater (Beč, Austrija); Peter Handke: Kas preko Bodenskog jezera; režija: Koni Hanes Majer / Burgtheater (Vienna, Austria); Peter Handke: Der Ritt über den Bodensee (The Ride across Lake Constance); direction: Conny Hannes Meyer
098 Duro Ladipo Cultural Theatre International (Ibadan, Nigerija); Duro Ladipo: Oba ko so, yuroba-opera; režija: Duro Ladipo / Duro Ladipo Cultural Theatre International (Ibadan, Nigeria); Duro Ladipo: Ọba kò so (The King did not Hang), yuroba-opera; direction: Duro Ladipo
099 Kazališna radionica „Končar“ (Zagreb, Jugoslavija); Miroslav Krleža: Golgota; režija: Bogdan Jerković / Kazališna radionica „Končar“ (Zagreb, Yugoslavia); Miroslav Krleža: Golgota (Golgotha); direction: Bogdan Jerković
100 Teatrul National (Bukurešt, Rumunija); Antonio Matiuci-Kolalto: Tri venecijanska blizanca; režija: David Esrig (Specijalna nagrada) / Teatrul National (Bucharest, Romania); Antonio Mattiuzzi-Collalto: Trei gemeni venețieni (Three Venetian Twins); direction: David Esrig (Special Award)
101 Teatrul National (Bukurešt, Rumunija); Euđen Barbu: Ne pravi dućan sa stepeništem; režija: Sanda Manu / Teatrul National (Bucharest, Romania); Eugen Barbu: Sa nu-ti faci pravalie cu scara (Don’t Make Shop with Staircases); direction: Sanda Manu
102 Ensemble National du Sénégal (Kazamansa, Senegal); Dimbaja (na Mandinka jeziku: porodica) – muzika, rituali i igre Senegala; koreografija: Gausane Kerfala i Fode Cisse / Ensemble National du Sénégal (Casamance, Senegal); Dimbaya (Family – in the Mandinka language) – ceremonial music, rituals and dances of Senegal; choregraphy: Gausane Kerfala and Fode Cisse
103 Compagnie Pierre Spivakoff (Pariz, Francuska); Sara Bernar: Priznanje; režija: Pjer Spivakov / Compagnie Pierre Spivakoff (Paris, France); Sarah Bernhardt: L’aveu (The Confession); direction: Pierre Spivakoff
104 Schiller Theater (Zapadni Berlin, Savezna Republika Nemačka); Edvard Bond: Lir; režija: Hans Licau (Grand Prix, Nagrada publike) / Schiller Theater (West Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany); Edward Bond: Lear; direction: Hans Lietzau (Grand Prix, Audience Award)
105 Teatro la maschera (Rim, Italija); Meme Perlini: Pirandelo: Ko?; režija: Meme Perlini / Teatro la maschera (Roma, Italy); Memé Perlini: Pirandello: chi? (Pirandelo Who?); direction: Memé Perlini
106 Vigszinház (Budimpešta, Mađarska); Tibor Deri: Imaginarna reportaža o jednom američkom pop-festivalu; režija: Laslo Marton / Vigszinház (Comedy Theatre, Budapest, Hungary); Tibor Déry: Képzelt Riport Egy Amerikai Pop-Fesztiválról (An Imaginary Report on an American Rock Festival); direction: László Martón
107 Odin Teatret (Holstebro, Danska); F. M. Dostojevski: Dom moga oca; režija: Euđenio Barba (Grand Prix) / Odin Teatret (Holstebro, Denmark); Фёдор Миха́йлович Достое́вский (F. М. Dostoyevsky): Min Fars Hus (My Father’s House); direction: Eugenio Barba (Grand Prix)
108 Compagnie du Cothurne (Lion, Francuska); Teofil Gotje, Sergi Gancl: Frakas; režija: Marsel Marešal (Specijalna nagrada) / Compagnie du Cothurne (Lyon, France); Théophile Gautier, Serge Ganzl: Fracasse; direction: Marcel Maréchal (Special Award)
109 Deutsches Schauspielhaus (Hamburg, Savezna Republika Nemačka); Franc Ksaver Krec: Seosko dvorište; režija: Ulrih Helsing, Karl Knajdel (Grand Prix) / Deutsches Schauspielhaus (Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany); Franz Xaver Kroetz: Stallerhof (Farmyard); direction: Ulrich Helsing, Karl Kneidel (Grand Prix)
110 Théâtre de L’homme (Hamilton, Ontario, Kanada); T. S. Eliot; F. M. Dostojevski: Ubistva, Trijumf razuma; režija: Ričard Njeočim / Théâtre de L’homme (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada); Thomas Stearns Eliot; Фёдор Миха́йлович Достое́вский (F. М. Dostoyevsky): Murders; direction: Ryszard Nieoczym
111 The Citizens Theatre Company (Glazgov, Velika Britanija); V. Šekspir: Bogojavljenska noć; režija: Džajls Havergal / The Citizens Theatre Company (Glasgow, United Kingdom); W. Shakespeare: Twelfth Night; direction: Giles Havergal
112 The Citizens Theatre Company (Glazgov, Velika Britanija); Harold Pinter: Projekt „Stara vremena”; režija: Stevan Dartnel / The Citizens Theatre Company (Glasgow, United Kingdom); Harold Pinter: Project “Old Times”; direction: Stevan Dartnell
113 The Medicine Show Theatre Ensemble (Njujork, Sjedinjene Američke Države); Medicine Show; režija: Barbara Van / The Medicine Show Theatre Ensemble (New York, United States of America); Medicine Show; direction: Barbara Vann