Dizajn / Design: Slobodan Mašić (1939-2016)
6. bitef posvećen je reditelju nove stvarnosti 72. kao i ranijìh godina kada su teme bile klasika na način 1970. ili slobodne forme 71 ovogodišnja tema proistekla je iz najholjih predstava novih pozorišnih tendencija u svetu. Često je napisano da je XX stoleće doba vladavìne reditelja u pozorištu, ali ta vladavina nije ista u vreme craiga i stanislavskog s početka veka, u doba kartela izmedu dva rata ili u dane brechta 50-tih godina i grotowskog 60-tih godina.
Danas, 70-tih godina polako se oblikuje nova slika reditelja a odnosu na pozorište i svet a kome ziri, tokom 6. bitefa okupiće se u beogradu nekoliko najznačajnijìh rediteljskih individualnosti koji će doći sa svojim ansamhlima, svojom teorìjom i praksom, svojim iskustvom i zabludama, i sa stvarnošću svoje zemlje i sveta koju ce poneti sa sohom. reditelji victor garda, luca ronconi, merce Cunningham, miklos janczo, peter stein, angel facìo, koert stuyj, patrick henry i peter brook nisu samo svojim delom odredili odnos prema stvarnosti, veé su svojom umetnošću delimično kreirali stvarnost našeg vremena, koja se toliko razlikuje od stvarnosti sto je nasledìli od prethodne generacije.
uporedo sa predstavama reditelja nove stvarnosti 72, bitef prvì put u nas prikazuje nekoliko primera korena pozorìsne umetnosti: japanski noh i kyogen, izvorni flamenko sačuvan u planinama sevilje i drevnu ritualnu.
BITEF 6 is dedicated to the director of new reality 72, like in the past few years – when the mes were the classics with a 1970 look and the free forms 71, this year’s theme resulted from the best performances representing new theatrical trends in world of theatre.
It has often been that said the twentieth century is the age of director’s rule in the theatre. However, that
ruling is not the same in Craig’s and Stanislavski’s time at the beginning of the century, in cartel time
between the two wars, or in Brecht’s days in the fifties, and Grotowski’s in the sixties.
Today, in the seventies, a new image of the director is being formed in rapport to the theatre and the world in which he lives. During BITEF 6, Belgrade shall gather a few most important personalities in theatre directing, who will come here with their groups, their theories and practice, their experiences and fallacies, and with the reality of their countries and the world of their own which they bring with them. Directors like Victor Garcia, Luca Ronconi, Merce Cunningham, Miklos Janczo, Peter Stein, Angel Facio, Koert Stuyf, Patrick Henry and Peter Brook have not determined the rapport with the reality only through their work, but they have, through their art, in a way, created the reality of our time, which so much differs from the one inherited from the previous generation.
Apart from, but parallel to the performances gathered under the title theatre director of new reality 72, this year, BITEF will, for the first time in this country, show a few examples of roots of theatrical art: Japanese noh and kyogen, the very source of flamenco preserved in the mountains of Seville, and the ancient ritual art of Uganda.
BITEF 6 shall present two Yugoslav contributions to the contemporary trends of European theatre – the
performance of Hrvatsko narodno kazalište and of theatre Glej. Performance Monument G of Georgij Paro and Dusan Jovanović have been chosen because they link the avantgarde form with a kind of psychophysical training of the ensemble which is hard to find in our country.
Gallery 212 shall, during BITEF, be the meeting point where we shall witness the searchings of several important representatives of the new visual arts which are getting closer to, and even intersecting with the scenic arts. (Jovan Ćirilov)
Glavni program / Main Programme
080 La Compañia Núria Espert (Barselona, Španija); Federiko Garsija Lorka: Jerma; režija: Viktor Garsija; Nuria Espert Theatre Company (Barcelona, Spain); Federico García Lorca: Yerma; direction: Víctor García
081 Merce Cunningham Dance Company (Njujork, Sjedinjene Američke Države); Događaj u muzeju; koreografija: Mers Kaningem / Merce Cunningham Dance Company(New York, United States of America); Museum Event; choreography: Merce Cunningham
082 Merce Cunningham Dance Company (Njujork, Sjedinjene Američke Države); Događaj; koreografija: Mers Kaningem / Merce Cunningham Dance Company (New York, United States of America); Event; choreography: Merce Cunningham
083 Merce Cunningham Dance Company (Njujork, Sjedinjene Američke Države); Kišna šuma || Znakovi || TV progon; koreografija: Mers Kaningem (Grand Prix) / Merce Cunningham Dance Company (New York, United States of America); Rain Forest || Signals || TV Rerun; choreography: Merce Cunningham (Grand Prix)
084 Eksperimentalno gledališče Glej (Ljubljana, Jugoslavija); Bojan Štih: Spomenik G; režija: Dušan Jovanović (Specijalna nagrada) / Experimental Theatre Glej (Ljubljana, Yugoslavia); Bojan Štih: Spomenik G (The Monument G); direction: Dušan Jovanović (Special Award)
085 Teatro Cooperativa Tuscolano, Teatro di Roma (Rim, Italija); Eshil: Orestija; režija: Luka Ronkoni (Grand Prix) / Teatro Cooperativa Tuscolano, Teatro di Roma (Roma, Italy); Aeschylus: Orestea (The Oresteia); direction: Luca Ronconi (Grand Prix)
086 La Cuadra (Sevilja, Španija); Tužbalica; režija: Salvador Tavora, Alfonso Himenez Romero / La Cuadra (Seville, Spain); Quejío (Lament); direction: Salvador Távora, Alfonso Jimenez Romero
087 Gruppo Sperimentazione Teatrale di Mario Ricci (Rim, Italija); Mario Riči: Mobi Dik; režija: Mario Riči / Gruppo Sperimentazione Teatrale di Mario Ricci (Roma, Italy); Mario Ricci: Moby Dick; direction: Mario Ricci
088 Schaubühne am Halleschen Ufer (Zapadni Berlin, Savezna Republika Nemačka); J. V. Gete: Torkvato Taso; režija: Peter Štajn (Grand Prix) / Schaubühne am Halleschen Ufer (West Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany); J. W. Goethe: Torquato Tasso; direction: Peter Stein (Grand Prix)
089 Teatro esperimental do Porto (Porto, Portugalija); Federiko Garsija Lorka: Dom Bernarde Albe; režija: Anhel Fasio / Teatro esperimental do Porto (Porto, Portugal); Federico García Lorca: La casa de Bernarda Alba (The House of Bernarda Alba); direction: Angel Facio
090 Hrvatsko narodno kazalište (Zagreb, Jugoslavija); Stjepan Mihalić: Grbavica; režija: Georgij Paro / Croatian National Theatre (Zagreb, Yugoslavia); Stjepan Mihalić: Grbavica (The Hunchback Woman); direction: Georgij Paro
091 Zeami-Za (Tokio, Japan) Zeami: San o Hang Tangu (Kantan); režija: Hisao Kanze / Zeami-Za (Tokio, Japan); Zeami: Kantan; direction: Hisao Kanze
092 25. Szinhàz (Budimpešta, Mađarska); Đula Hernadi, Mikloš Jančo: Sjajni vetrovi; režija: Mikloš Jančo / 25. Szinhàz (Theatre 25 / 25th young people’s theater, Budapest, Hungary); Gyula Hernadi, Miklós Jancsó: Fényes Szelek (The Confrontation); direction: Miklós Jancsó
093 Free Street Theatre (Čikago, Sjedinjene Američke Države); Leksikon; režija: Patrik Henri / Free Street Theatre (Čikago, United States of America); Lexicon; direction: Patrick Henry
094 Free Streat Theatre (Čikago, Sjedinjene Američke Države); Duhovno oko; režija: Patrik Henri / Free Streat Theatre (Čikago, United States of America); Mind’s Eye; direction: Patrick Henry
095 Theatre Limited (Kampala, Uganda); Robert Serumaga: Renga moi; režija: Robert Serumaga / Theatre Limited (Kampala, Uganda); Robert Serumaga: Renga moi; direction: Robert Serumaga
096 The Royal Shakespeare Company (Stratford, Velika Britanija); V. Šekspir: San letnje noći; režija: Piter Bruk (Nagrada publike) / The Royal Shakespeare Company (Stratford, United Kingdom); W. Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream; direction: Peter Brook (Audience Award)
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